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Substances Actives signs the charter “Committed to e-Health”


Substances Actives, the digital agency dedicated to healthcare professionals, is one of the signatories of the charter “Committed to e-Health”, which promotes the implementation of digital technology in the health sector and in particular towards E-Health. For the past 10 years, Substances Actives has been contributing to the progress of digital in Health.

This charter was created by the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, in collaboration with the Health and Digital Ministerial Delegation, and has been signed by more than 200 E-Health manufacturers.

By signing this charter, Active Substances is committed to continuing the development of digital tools that facilitate the patient journey.


Substances Actives is also committed to :

  1. Develop information systems, services and digital tools that comply with basic standards (ethics, security, interoperability) and basic services (DMP, secure messaging, e-prescription, etc.) ;
  2. Actively inform the test platforms offered by public authorities, in particular the “convergence” tool, to measure and declare the compliance with technical doctrine of the information systems, services and digital tools developed ;
  3. Participate in experiments and respond to consultations organized by the public authorities;
  4. Propose for referencing the digital tools and services developed in the bouquet of digital services for professionals and/or in the store offered to citizens via the Digital Healthcare Space ; Accompany clients in the respect of ethical principles, security and protection of personal data;
  5. Communicate on the actions undertaken in application of the charter and use the “Committed to e-Health” logo on communication media.

(Source : Charter « Committed to e-Health »)

“At our level, we are making our own contribution and we aim to contribute to the development of an efficient healthcare system in France. “  Mathieu Rouppert, CEO