Whether you be a practitioner or a patient, discover how this website limits its impact on the environment !
Aware of the digital impact on the environment, we have decided to offer low carbone websites whose emissions are captured. See our explanation below.
Low carbon
As soon as the design phase of our websites, environmental criterias are taken into account as much as performance and design. Our webmasters apply some ecodesign recommendations in order to limit the weight and therefore the storage but also to limit the energy consumption during the use of our clients.
Here is some technical examples :
Erasing useless plug-ins
Choosing the rightful hosting option
Reducing the images’ weight
Compressing JavaScript and CSS files
Putting a CDN in place
Choosing a light WordPress theme
Using a cache plug-in
Favouring videos hosted on a platform rather than on the site itself
Moreover, we use 100% of renewable energies in our office and we turn to hosts who do the same. Therefore, the design and management of your websites move to be carbon free.

Capture of the emissions
Even with our work to reduce the environmental footprint of our websites, it is impossible for us to erase it entirely. That is why we made a commitment to EcoTree to invest in the French forest. We will have acquired 580 trees by the end of 2021 which will capture carbon throughout their life and therefore participate in the regulation of the climate and reduce the impact of humane activities.
Why 580 trees precisely ?
Because by taking the broad average of 30Kg CO2 captured per year per tree, we came to this number in order to capture the remaining emissions linked to our activity. Of course it is only an estimation ! Every tree as every individual is different and their absorption capacity differs as well. Nevertheless, it allows us to participate in the global carbon neutrality objectives at our scale.
In the end, Eco’Activ is a whole process undertaken by Substances Actives in order to offer the best services which are also good for the planet.